Travel Warning

European Diary, 8.10.2020: Berlin warns against travel to Vienna and Vorarlberg, Munich now warns against travel to Berlin and against Berliners on trips, Vienna warns against travel to Serbia, Norway warns against Austria, Switzerland warns against travel to Vienna, Prague is on the red list, Frankfurt now too, but from Madrid you are not allowed to come to Frankfurt, although Madrid and Frankfurt are both red. And France? The west of Switzerland will soon have the same numbers, but you can’t warn about Switzerland. You were still allowed to travel to Israel from Austria when the next lockdown was already decided there. But Croatia was already a no go. The Czech Republic, on the other hand, can still be partially traveled from Austria, although the figures there are skyrocketing? Or are they just falling again? Italy is also still accessible from Austria at the moment. But can you also return from there? And the small border traffic?
The regime of travel warnings and risk regions is no longer manageable. Or to be more precise: nobody knows his way around anymore.
Where do I still get to with a quarantine test, or to visit my family, or as a commuter. And anyway, what is a commuter?

Has anyone in all these months come up with the idea that it might be possible to create more security in the EU with uniform measures to contain corona? Instead of national decathlon in disciplines that are now well known? Why do the Austrians have to abolish compulsory masks and the Italians keep them, why are the Viennese only now coming up with the idea of asking guests in pubs for contact details? The Germans have been doing that for a long time. Why should people in Vorarlberg shift their drinking home at 22.00? Would more clarity in the confusion of travel warnings be possible with more Europe-wide clarity of measures? Or is the chaos actually a clever system? According to the principle: the more confusion, the less mobility?